Our story

  • Our founding

    Darius Soparas founded Invoice123 in 2015 in Lithuania, a country in Northern Europe with one of the region's fastest-growing startup ecosystems. It was called Sąskaita123 and started as a free digital invoicing tool for the local community, accelerating tech progress. Through our various knowledge-sharing initiatives, we remain connected and maintain a vibrant and engaged local student community.
  • Early growth

    Our mission to simplify repetitive manual tasks with digitalization peaked when a team of senior engineers came on board. We launched the first invoicing automation features and decided to go the extra mile for business clients with their accounting needs. That transformed Sąskaita123 into simple-to-use accounting & invoicing SaaS and led us to our first 20 000 users.
  • A new leaf

    As our user base grew, we started directly involving our customers in product innovation to keep the progress going. The users decide on the upcoming features or integrations the engineering team later develops, e.g., Woocommerce, Shopify, Rivile integrations, and many more.

Going global

The team has grown, adding new geographies to the Lithuanian edition: Budapest and Vienna. With our broader marketing efforts in full swing, we rebranded from Sąskaita123 to Invoice123 in 2022. We released a global product version, added new currencies, and adopted the tool to the worldwide accounting needs.









Making things easy

We're big believers in the power of technology to simplify the complex. We create an easy-to-use product that solves real issues: no-nonsense technology, just a clean design, great features, and exceptional customer support.

While the digitalization mission drives us, none of us would be here if it wasn't for our culture. We invest in things that matter for long-term success – the team. We build our lasting relations by embracing transparency, building trust, and genuinely caring about each other.

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